Recovery Plan

Strategies and plans to achieve growth in the region

Recovery Plan

Following two years of unprecedented challenges, Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils published an Economic Recovery Plan and Economic Recovery Action Plan. These plans outline the different initiatives, schemes and packages to help businesses – large and small – in the districts.

The aim of the recovery plan is to provide a direction for the Councils to support businesses and communities, to:

  • stimulate innovation
  • attract inward investment
  • encourage strong economic growth

The recovery plan is segmented into three priority themes:

  1. Innovation and creative
  2. Connected and sustainable
  3. Successful and skilled

This plan has provided a focus for the Council on helping businesses recover and grow after the economic shock of the Pandemic. 

As part of the delivery of the Recovery plan initiatives including the Virtual High Street, the Innovation Awards, Innovate Local and the Local Energy Showcase have provided businesses with new opportunities to grow and develop.

Work is now underway to revise and update our Economic Evidence Base and develop a new Economic Strategy for the Districts.