Hamilton Road Regeneration Area, Sudbury

A mixed-use development for this part of central Sudbury

Hamilton Road Regeneration Area

The Hamilton Road, Bus Station and Borehamgate regeneration area in Sudbury (approximately 3.44 acres) is a long-term strategic opportunity.

The Council shares ambitions with local partners and the public to deliver a viable mixed-use development for central Sudbury. This will support a thriving town centre, improved leisure offer, and better bus routes around the town. The development will provide public space and connectivity enhancements. Furthermore it will generate a boost for local jobs, homes and businesses. It also remains an ambition to attract hotel chain and cinema operator investment into Sudbury.

There has been a failure in the past to invest in new infrastructure and amenities on the site. This therefore means that improvements are now greatly needed  A long-derelict and overgrown brownfield area sits alongside an outdated bus station and dated and inefficient commercial and residential units.

A Supplementary Planning Document was adopted for the Hamilton Road area in February 2010 to guide on the appropriate, comprehensive redevelopment of the area covered by Local Plan policy SD06.

It includes design principles and has informed the master plan development and conceptual work undertaken by Hamson Barron Smith architects and KLH architects up to 2022. This formed part of a public exhibition held in the town in June 2022.

The Council is working closely with Suffolk County Council and town partners to actively look for opportunities (including external funding) to bring forward a viable scheme. Two Levelling-Up Fund capital bids £5m-£6m range) have been submitted to the UK Government since June 2021.

Alternatives including a phased development approach are now being explored, with fresh strategic and external funding opportunities in development.