
A special place with an exciting future

Sudbury Vision

From 2019, key public sector organisations, business, and the community were engaged in a series of workshops. These shaped a long-term Sudbury Vision, with key priorities and ambitions.

Following consultation with the community, businesses and stakeholders, a  “Plan on a Page” for the Vision of Sudbury was developed –Sudbury Vision POAP

Sudbury Vision recognises a future Sudbury that is:

  • a special place with an exciting future
  • strategically well-placed for sustainable growth
  • a town hosting a diverse economy and a strong community spirit

Sudbury Vision’s ambitions include:

  • developing Sudbury’s brand and profile
  • developing Sudbury as a place to invest
  • enhancing the town as a great place to live, work and visit
  • creating a connected and sustainable town centre
  • building on the town’s cultural heritage and visitor attractions

The programme draws together a range of key projects and supports the long- goals for the town, as well as short term deliverable projects and pilots working in collaboration. We will continue the programme of involvement and engagement and provide updates on progress through established collaborative groups.

Sudbury Delivery Group

The Sudbury Vision Delivery Group is in place to drive these projects forward. This partnership group represents public sector, community, and business, and meet regularly to work collaboratively to deliver the Sudbury Vision programme. These aims and ambitions are also supported by the Sudbury Culture Sub-Group.

List of key projects for the Sudbury Vision Programme

Sudbury Culture Group

The Sudbury Culture Group is instrumental in supporting Sudbury Vision work, and was initially facilitated by the District Council to support collaborative work across heritage and culture in the town. The group has a shared ambition to bring higher levels of cultural participation and helps manage strategic programmes and projects.

The group currently includes representatives from:

  • Suffolk County Council
  • The Quay Theatre
  • Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils
  • The Offshoot Foundation
  • We Are Unit
  • Sudbury Library
  • Mill Tye Gallery
  • Sudbury Arts Society

The group works to make Sudbury a place that people want to live in, work in, do business in and visit, with culture a key part of it’s appeal. So far the group have worked progressively on funding applications and delivering partnership events including Heritage Opens Days in September.

What’s next for Sudbury?

In June 2022, the Sudbury Vision group hosted an event called ‘What’s Next for Sudbury?’.

This event showcased a range of local projects to residents, visitors and businesses with an aim of reviewing and refreshing the Vision and delivery plan for the town. Read all about that event here.

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