Website provides one-stop-shop for innovation ecosystem

Website provides one-stop-shop for innovation ecosystem

A website has been launched which provides a one-stop-shop of connectivity for innovative companies in Norfolk and Suffolk.

Connected Innovation supplies businesses with information on their local innovation hub, sectoral and technological clusters, and key academic institutions and research institutes in the region for them to engage with.

The opportunities here are endless from knowledge transfer partnerships to forming collaborative networks to take forward new ideas.

Joining the dots across the East of England’s innovation ecosystem

The Connected Innovation Programme was established by New Anglia LEP and links together 25 innovation hubs, universities, research institutes, Freeport East and Norfolk and Suffolk’s key business clusters.

For businesses looking for finance and investment opportunities, the platform has a wide range of information to support. The business support portal also sets out key partners that businesses can reach out to for assistance, joining the dots from national to local support.