Manufacturers have many different challenges, constraints and resources to work with when tackling sustainability. Many realise that by meeting their sustainability goals, they also save cash, however knowing where to begin is often the biggest challenge. Shoestring offers an easy place to start, with low-cost digital solutions that will provide insights and information to inform future actions and decisions which can help a company to start moving towards meeting their sustainability goals.
Researchers and manufacturers collaborating with Shoestring are investigating how low-cost digital solutions can help a company introduce more practices that contribute to meeting sustainability goals. Below they illustrate how companies can build their knowledge to help them make decisions to move towards net zero by using one of Shoestring’s current starter solutions. More details on the study by researchers from the Institute for Manufacturing, University of Cambridge, and Politecnico Di Milano School of Management, can be read in their latest peer-reviewed paper.
Solutions for Sustainability – Digital Manufacturing on a Shoestring (digitalshoestring.net)