Sizewell C aims to source 80% of workforce food from local area

Sizewell C aims to source 80% of workforce food from local area

A new article on the Sizewell C website says the company has set a target of locally sourcing 80% of the food it provides to its site workforce – an ambition that would create significant opportunities for regional food producers and suppliers.

The new target would represent a substantial regional investment: at peak construction, there’ll be around 7,900 workers on site, and it’s estimated the cumulative food and product value will amount to just under £60 million over the 12-year construction period.

To help achieve the new target, Sizewell C will source a range of products from regional growers, producers, and roasteries, which would include produce such as apples, pears, strawberries, carrots, potatoes, onions, eggs, bacon, sausages, pork, sugar, coffee, and bakery.

These catering commitments reinforce one of Sizewell C key community pledges: to support the growth of the local economy. It’s estimated that at least £125m will be spent in the local community each year during the construction of the new nuclear power station.

To read the full story, visit their website.

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