Multiply Suffolk is here to deliver bespoke coaching, training, and mentoring to support you into learning and employment across Suffolk. Multiply Suffolk will provide opportunities for you to improve your knowledge, understanding and use of maths in daily life: at home, in learning and in work.
The overall objective of Multiply is to increase the levels of functional numeracy in the adult population across the UK.

✓ More adults achieving maths qualifications courses (up to, and including, Level 2 – with GCSEs and FSQs as the qualifications of choice in England – or equivalent) and an increase in participation in numeracy courses.
✓ Improved labour market outcomes e.g., fewer numeracy skills gaps reported by employers, and an increase in the proportion of adults that progress into sustained employment and / or education.
✓ Increased adult numeracy across the population – this overall impact, which goes beyond achieving certificates or qualifications, will track both the perceived and actual difference taking part in the programme makes in supporting learners to improve their understanding and use of maths in their daily lives, at home and at work – and to feel more confident when doing so.
Eligibility Criteria:
✓ Age 19+
✓ Live in a Suffolk postcode area
✓ Do not hold a Level 2 qualification or above in Numeracy (GCSE or Functional Skills)
The Multiply Suffolk team can:
✓ Support to engage with education, employment, and training
✓ Improve numeracy, money management and budgeting skills
✓ Encourage career progression whilst in or out of employment
✓ Promote independence, choice, and wellbeing
✓ Empower you to remove barriers to employment and gain a numeracy qualification
We support individuals with barriers such as English as a second language (ESOL), care leavers, ex-offenders, learning disability/difficulty and autism, poor mental and physical health. We also support those who are employees, employers, volunteers, and self-employed individuals.
Register your interest in finding out more or if you would like to refer into Multiply Suffolk, please contact
To find out more please visit: Multiply – Skills for Life
Read a case study how Multiply Suffolk worked with a local business and the impact it had here: Skills and Training – Heart of Suffolk