Made Smarter Funding To Meet The Needs Of Manufacturing SMEs

Made Smarter Funding To Meet The Needs Of Manufacturing SMEs

Learn about our funding programme

Funding is available to all organisations and industrial partners across all regions of the UK.

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We offer three different funding opportunities based on the needs of your company.

Lighthouses – aims to develop already proven digital products and processes into readily accessible solutions which meet the needs of manufacturing SMEs. Grant funding of up to £150,000 per project. This call is currently open.

Virtual Testbeds – aims to provide financial support and opportunities  to bring pre-existing testbeds to the SMDH community and enable SMEs to utilise them.  Grant funding of up to £100,000 per project. This call is currently closed.

Rapid Demonstrators – aims to support SMEs with sensor installation, data analysis or similar to enable levelling-up the opportunities for SMEs to exceed and expand. Grant funding of up to £50,000 per project. This call is currently open.


We aim to fund projects that will support SMEs to embark on a smart manufacturing journey

Where is funding available

Funding is available to all organisations and industrial partners across all regions of the UK.

What funding is available?

Grant funding of between £5,000 and £315,000 will be provided, subject to project type.

What is the funding for?

To enable you to develop your concept into a market ready solution for deployment and dissemination to SMEs.

What should the project achieve?

Projects should develop transformational and disruptive solutions, processes, or services, that will support Manufacturing SMEs on their smart manufacturing journey.

Who should it benefit?

All solutions, processes or services must be readily usable by an SME without risking business disruption or incurring significant cost.

Who is it for?

We are open to any industrial or professional sector organisation which can provide skills, support or solutions for manufacturing SMEs.

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