Introduction to Equity Investment Masterclass

Introduction to Equity Investment Masterclass


Date: March 26
Time: 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Venue: Virtual

Raising equity is very different from raising other types of finance, but it can really accelerate the growth of your business.

If an external investor is getting an attractive deal, and you get their expertise, contacts and finance to scale your business, it’s a win-win scenario. But most businesses are not appropriate for equity, and even those that are don’t realise how long it will take, or what is really needed to be successful in such a highly competitive process.

This intensive and fast-paced masterclass will introduce you to the real essentials: everything you need to know to decide whether your businesses is appropriate for private investment, and about what it takes to be fully investment ready. It’s a vital education about the preparation needed before you face highly experienced professional investors who have heard about ‘unbeatable business propositions’ hundreds of times – and turned them down.

Led by serial entrepreneur and experienced angel investor, Bev Hurley CBE who really understands the process from both sides of the fence, you will learn how to:

  • Understand if you and your business are right for equity investment
  • Identify types of investors you should avoid, and those you want, and where to find them
  • Understand critical information investors need to see in your business plan and financials
  • What goes into teasers, pitch decks and data rooms, and what doesn’t
  • The essentials for compelling pitch decks
  • EIS, core components of a term sheet, timescales … and much more

To book your place click here