Extension to Farming in Protected Landscapes Scheme

Extension to Farming in Protected Landscapes Scheme

Farmers and land managers in the Coast & Heaths and Dedham Vale Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONBs) will be able to benefit from a key funding stream for a further two years, following today’s announcement and publication of the Environmental Improvement Plan by Defra.

The Farming in Protected Landscapes grant programme, which funds projects on farms and other land in AONBs and national parks, has today been granted a 12-month extension to its original closing date of March 2024, meaning that the scheme will now run until March 2025.

The programme funds projects which help to restore biodiversity or create new habitats, or help to deal with the effects of climate change, such as through carbon sequestration or flood management. Farming in Protected Landscapes also benefits projects aimed at improving people’s understanding and appreciation of the countryside, as well as which protect historic features, enhance landscapes and boost business resilience.

Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty are designated by the Government to conserve and enhance outstanding landscapes for the benefit of the nation. To find out more about the programme and to apply, please visit:

www.suffolkcoastandheaths.org/managing or

www.dedhamvalestourvalley.org/managing or

Phone 01394 445 227.