Helping scaleups navigate their rapid-growth trajectory
Barclays Eagle Labs Scaleup Programme powered by Plexal, funded by the UK Government
The Scaleup Programme, in collaboration with Plexal, supports scaling companies as they navigate their rapid growth trajectory. Plexal creates content that’s tailored to address the unique situations the nation’s fastest-growing scaleups could face. They have a connected, UK-wide ecosystem of founders, mentors, investors and customers. The six-month programme supports scaleups solving society’s biggest challenges using collaboration and innovation to address issues like building healthy communities and enabling sustainable innovation.
Applications open
01 July 2024
Applications close
18 August 2024
Successful applicant(s) notified
w/c 13 September 2024
Programme launch
23 October 2024
Programme ends
March 2025
The Challenge
Our programme is designed to support with the unique and complex challenges that scaling your company brings. Whether you’re looking to raise your next round of funding, increase revenue from £1m to £10m+, or navigating how to expand into new international markets – we can help.
How is the programme delivered?
The six-month programme focuses on content, coaching, community and connections to deliver impactful sessions tailored to your individual company needs. Primarily delivered online, you’ll have on demand access to your peers, mentors and expert coaches to minimise travel and time away from your company .
We also provide three in-person engagements throughout the programme, giving you the opportunity to build connections with fellow growth-driven leaders.
Why join?
You want to scale to the next level and we want to help you.
You’ll have access to mentors and qualified coaches to tackle your specific business challenges; connect and collaborate with leaders at some of the UK’s fastest growing scaleups; build meaningful relationships with industry, corporate specialists and bodies, potential investors and customers.
Joining the programme will show big business and investors that you are a fast-growth company to watch, through exposure and press across our channels.
We won’t take any equity or intellectual property if you’re selected to be part of the programme.
Who’s it for?
The programme is open to any sector or technology and has been specifically designed for companies demonstrating the greatest potential to grow and flourish. We’re looking for applications from UK companies with more than ten employees, c.£1m and above in turnover or investment and 20% growth in turnover and employees each year for the past three years. Companies would likely display the following characteristics:
- Be considering or experiencing international expansion
- Looking at increasing headcount
- Considering further fundraising
- Increasing market share.
Are you using technology to help solve society’s challenges, from supporting healthy communities to enabling sustainable innovation? We want to hear from you.