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Barclays Entrepreneur Awards open for nominations
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Barclays Entrepreneur Awards open for nominations
We’re excited to announce that the ninth Barclays Entrepreneur Awards are open.
Celebrate the entrepreneurs who are committed to disrupting the status quo and driving innovation, who consistently support communities and the wider economy.
You can nominate your own business as well as others who’ve demonstrated the passion and skills that have turned unique visions into reality.
Nominations close on Friday 28 June 2024.
Barclays Entrepreneur Awards categories
Share news of the awards across your friends, family, and networks, so they have the opportunity to nominate eligible entrepreneurs in the following categories:
Start-up Award, sponsored by Barclays Business Banking- This category recognises entrepreneurs who have started new, fast-growing businesses.
High-Growth Company Award, sponsored by Propel- This category recognises entrepreneurs who have achieved year-on-year growth and/or market traction.
Scale-Up Company Award, sponsored by Propel- This category recognises entrepreneurs who have achieved notable growth and market success.
Innovation in Games Award, sponsored by Barclays Games- This award celebrates games companies that have not only embraced change in an industry that’s constantly evolving, but actively sought to revolutionise the entire landscape.
Innovation in Climate Tech Award, sponsored by Visa- This category recognises entrepreneurs whose companies are innovating to address climate change and work towards net zero.
Innovation in Health and Sciences Award,sponsored by Eagle Labs- This category recognises entrepreneurs whose companies have developed new and emerging technology that’s designed to solve some of society’s biggest healthcare challenges.
Innovation in AI Award, sponsored by Visa- This category recognises entrepreneurs who have fast-growing AI businesses.
Business Resilience Award, sponsored by Barclaycard Payments- This category celebrates the unstoppable spirit of entrepreneurs and businesses that have overcome a significant challenge, battled through setbacks, and pushed on to take their business to the next level.
Serial Entrepreneur Award, sponsored by Private Bank- This award recognises an individual who excels in launching and managing multiple ventures or business exits, and who embodies innovation, resilience, and leadership excellence.