Barclays Eagle Labs Global Connect

Barclays Eagle Labs Global Connect

We’re helping high-growth UK businesses access and increase their exposure to international markets through our Global Connect Programme.

San Francisco or ‘Silicon Valley’ is one of the most established entrepreneurial ecosystems in the world and we’ve worked with business growth experts to create a virtual programme that helps ambitious UK businesses learn how to scale, expand or raise funding in the US.

The programme is delivered by our US partner, Panache Ventures.


Applications now open

02 April 24

Applications close

21 May 24

Programme launch

27 May 24

The programme:

This three week virtual programme (delivered in the evenings) is designed to give founders the opportunity to learn from Silicon Valley veterans and teach them the fundamentals of raising early-stage institutional funding in the US, through a series of tailored webinars. By taking part in the programme, you will:

  • Gain insight from experienced founders, investors and mentors
  • Understand the culture, best practices and how to navigate and do business in Silicon Valley with its dense population of entrepreneurs and investors
  • Learn how to prepare for US funding rounds
  • Learn how to fine-tune your pitch by pitching to a panel of Silicon Valley VC’s and veterans for direct and honest feedback.


Week 1: Welcome to America

What makes the American startup ecosystem so special? Week 1 of Barclays Global Connect begins with an in-depth analysis of Silicon Valley, including the structural differences between the world’s largest tech ecosystem and that of the UK. We dig into the Valley’s unique culture and etiquette and hear from UK founders on their experiences in America.

Week 2: The Fundamentals of Fundraising

Week 2 of Barclays Global Connect focuses on fundraising, with a goal of unpacking the best practices used by founders to raise from Silicon Valley VCs. We dig into the psychology of American VCs, how they make investment decisions, and the ways in which founders can increase the likelihood of success.

Week 3: What’s it Really Like

In the final week of Barclays Global Connect, we’ll hear from real Silicon Valley VCs and UK founders who have successful raised money in the Valley to get the low down on the true fundraising experience. The program culminates with a VC pitch panel, where a select number of participants will get the opportunity to pitch their startup live and gain feedback from Silicon Valley experts.