AI Bridge

AI Bridge

Generative AI and small, specialised industry models – accelerating AI innovation in industry

AI Bridge, powered by Barclays Eagle Labs and funded by UK Government

Generative artificial intelligence (generative AI) can create text, images, types of data, or other media from existing content, using prompts. There has been a lot of discussion about new AI-based tools such as ChatGPT and how they could transform our world.

This programme is designed to help both startups and established businesses understand the different approaches to collaboration, and disruptive innovation in generative AI so they can harness the potential for greater productivity.



Applications open

22 February 2024

Applications close

03 May 2024

Programme launch

16 July 2024

Why join?

AI is developing at a fast pace with new solutions and services being developed all the time. It can be difficult for large businesses to keep up with the innovation of startups, while startups don’t have the knowledge and lived experience of established businesses.

That’s why we’re bringing together AI-first startups and experienced businesses to share their knowledge about successful partnerships. By sharing the best ways to collaborate, you’ll learn how to harness the power of AI.

How is the programme delivered?

There will be seven modules. There’ll be virtual seminars each month, where senior leaders from established companies and startup founders, will discuss generative AI tech solutions and how they can increase productivity.

Each module is designed to teach you about strategic approaches and innovation best practice. The topics include:

  • The partnership journey
  • Developing and landing a proof of concept
  • Mergers and acquisitions
  • Lived industry experience.

Who’s it for?

We’re looking for applications from established businesses and innovators.



As a UK-based digital tech startup that’s developing generative AI enterprise solutions, you’ll have the opportunity to connect with larger organisations and other startups.

You’ll be able to:

  • Share your approach to innovation
  • Learn how to navigate the partnership journey
  • Find out more about how large organisations approach innovation
  • Get deeper domain expertise, expand your networks
  • Supply solutions or proof of concepts to clients.

Apply as Startup

Established businesses

As a large, established business looking to use the domain expertise in your industry to explore how AI could help your business, you’ll get to share some of the challenges you face and learn how to engage with disruptive innovators. You’ll be introduced to startup playbooks, new technologies and applications, plus practises and cultures that can help transform and accelerate your innovation pipeline.

Apply as Established business