Further to the success of Norfolk business, iBoxit, being awarded £850,000 from Innovate UK for the development of their innovative seafood packaging in September, and four businesses in Norfolk & Suffolk being awarded grants of between £10,000 and £30,000 for their innovation ideas in July, the Innovation Grant Mentoring Project is once again inviting any Norfolk or Suffolk based business to the first of a series of free online webinars and workshops looking at innovation funding on Thursday 23 November at 12noon.
The ‘What is Innovation Funding?’ webinar will explain more about innovation grant funding, who can be eligible for it, and what kinds of funds might be available. Speakers include programme manager, Laura Hill, and experienced mentors Liz Flint and Colm Watling. Interested businesses can register for their free place now at: https://buytickets.at/norfolkcountycouncil/1044892
Cllr Fabian Eagle, Norfolk County Council Cabinet Member for Economic Development said: “Since the programme’s inception in late 2020, seven businesses from Norfolk and Suffolk have been successful with their funding bids, with more than £1m of innovation funding being granted. More than 350 businesses across Norfolk and Suffolk have so far received advice about their area of innovation, and 35 businesses have received fully funded mentoring or coaching in bid writing, leading to bid submissions worth £2.5m to various funding sources. The programme really works to drive funding to our two counties, and we encourage businesses to get involved.”
Cllr Richard Smith MVO, Suffolk County Council Cabinet Member for Economic Development, Transport Strategy and Waste, said: “We have many dynamic businesses based in our two counties, run by brilliant people with cutting-edge ideas for diversification and development. The 90-minute webinar on 23 November is ideal for you if your business has an innovative idea for a new product or service, and if you are currently considering where funding could come from. Norfolk and Suffolk County Councils warmly invite any business to apply for our programme of free mentoring, so our region and our workforces can benefit from even bigger grant awards in the future.”econdev@norfolk.gov.uk.
The Innovation Grant Mentoring programme will be running a series of webinars and workshops over the coming 12 months for businesses interested in innovation funding. Businesses with innovation ideas ready to go should contact the team for an initial conversation by emailing