Creative Industry Support

Business support for Creative Industries and Creatives

Learn more about what type of business support is available for Creative Industries and Creatives in the Heart of Suffolk.


StartEast is a resource for creative people to develop and grow your business in Norfolk and Suffolk. To be a part of it, add your business to the Directory and sign up to the Newsletter. You will find all the latest funding support and business opportunities across our region.

Learn more about StartEast here.

CreativeEast: Create Growth Programme

This is a new £1.275 million investment readiness and business support programme. It is funded by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport. The programme aims to boost growth in the creative industries across the East.

The programme is led by New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) in partnership with Greater Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Council, Norfolk County Council, Suffolk County Council. It is delivered by University of East Anglia (UEA) in partnership with Anglia Ruskin University (ARU), University of Suffolk (UoS) and Norwich University of the Arts (NUA).

It’s a 12-week investment readiness and business support programme. Participants will be given a bespoke programme. This includes specialist seminars, round table events, one-to-one expert mentoring, pitching sessions and networking events.

Visit The Creative East: Create Growth Programme here